Monday, September 12, 2011

What ever am I doing clicking all day?

If you are new to the internet, and new to on line marketing, you might be like me, lost, staring at all the shiny objects, clicking and joining it all, surfing all day and half the night, and make doing anything except joining more shiny objects and becoming more confused and disappointed.

Right now, before you do anything else, take a breath and time out to read the rest of this blog.  I am not pushing any program at you, not asking for anything, just a minute or two of your time to read this blog and a couple of minutes to think over what I have said.

To actually earn money you have to have a product.  A company that has been on line for a while, established and you have to work at it.  You will not get rich, make money, or go any further without putting in the work.  Look at this as your real business, and a real business needs a plan, money, and tons of work to get started.  If you are like me, I do not have the money to put into anything, so am doing it the slower way, I am using the PTC, paid to click sites to build up money to use to put towards my business.  It is slow, but everyday I get up, drink my first cup of coffee and begin.  I open emails, read safelists, do my PTC's, check my business site, then go into the TE's (Traffic Exchanges) and surf for credits.

Before you get going, you need two or more gmail accounts.  One is for private use, important emails, friends, family and any places that you want right away.  The other emails are for safelists.  You will get tons of mail from them and if you only have one email, you will lost the important news.

Then, go to PayPal and Alert Pay to set up accounts.  You need them at almost all the sites.  Be sure and put all your information, accounts, links, passwords, notes on a document.  I use notepad, then at the end of the day, transfer it to a word document.

More tomorrow.  We will start will the pay to click sites first, then a couple of traffic exchanges.

Have fun, make friends, be sure and use your name and picture to let everyone know you are a real person, build up trust and friendship with everyone you meet, it helps build you and your business.

First TE to join, for the book and for the ease of starting it up is Big Game Hits.  The owner is awesome, is there to help, and there is a fun club to join to work on getting more points.


Be sure and fill out your profile, and look around.  See you tomorrow!

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